International Student Services

Part-Time Work Permission

D-2 (Student) Visa Holders

Allowed Types of Part-Time Work
  • Part-time jobs are limited to those that can be performed as a student by social norms
  • Translation/Interpretation, restaurant assistant, office assistant, tour guide assistant, duty-free shop sales assistant, etc.
Restricted Types of Part-Time Work Manufacturing industry, construction industry, fishing industry, entertainment establishment, karaoke practice room, private tutoring, facilities for foreign language education for underage students (such as English kids cafe, English camp, language conversation institute), delivery driver, delivery service rider, chauffeur, door-to-door salesperson, dispatched worker, arranged worker, and remote work within a distance of 60 minutes based on employment relationships. ※ In the case of the manufacturing industry, exceptions are made for individuals who have achieved TOPIK Level 4 or higher, completed Level 4 of the Social Integration Program, or obtained a score of 81 or higher in the pre-evaluation. Completion of Sejong Hakdang Intermediate Level 2 course is also accepted as an exception.
Allowed Period
  • "From the first semester of enrollment" is possible.
  • ※ For D-2-8, the date of changing the residence status (for visa holders, it must be at least 6 months after the date of entry).
Permitted period Within the duration of stay, up to 1 year, limited to a maximum of 2 locations
Permit criteria
  • Previous semester average grade of C or higher (2.0 or above)

  • ※ Excluding those who are currently in their first semester of enrollment and have not yet received their academic transcript).
Year Korean Language Proficiency Levels:
① TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean)
② Social Integration Program
③ Sejong Hakdang
Permitted Hours
1~2 ① Level 3
② Level 3 or Pre-evaluation score of 61 or higher
③ Intermediate Level 1 or higher
X Weekdays-10 hours
Weekends and vacations-10 hours
O Weekdays-25 hours
Weekends and vacations-no limit
3~4 ① Level 4
② Level 4 or Pre-evaluation score of 81 or higher
③ Intermediate Level 2 or higher
X Weekdays-10 hours
Weekends and vacations-10 hours
O Weekdays-25 hours
Weekends and vacations-no limit
  • ※ Individuals who meet the aforementioned Korean language proficiency levels and achieve an average grade of A or higher, have TOPIK Level 5 or higher, completed Level 5 of the Social Integration Program, or have passed the comprehensive evaluation are allowed an additional 5 hours on weekdays.
  • ※ The criteria for part-time employment may be subject to change or vary according to regulations from the Immigration Office.
How to Apply Document preparation → Visit the office → Signature from university representative → Online application or visit the Immigration Office for application → Confirmation of approval after checking → Check if your application is approved and you can start working
Required Documents Application form, passport, alien registration card, academic transcript or attendance certificate, proof of Korean language proficiency (※ Valid proof of TOPIK scores issued by authorized institutions or pre-evaluation score certificates from the Social Integration Program are also accepted), confirmation of part-time employment for foreign students

(※ Issued by the university's international student office), confirmation of compliance with part-time employment requirements for foreign students, employer's identification card copy (※ Applicable only if the business registration includes manufacturing and construction industries), copy of business registration certificate, copy of standard employment contract (※ Including hourly wage, job details, and working hours).
  • ※ Prior application and approval for part-time employment must be obtained before starting any work.
  • ※ If there is a change in the employer resulting in a change of workplace, a new application for part-time employment must be submitted in advance.
  • ※ In the case of a change in the workplace within the permitted period, a report on the change of employment location must be submitted within 15 days from the date of the change.
  • ※ Engaging in part-time work without obtaining permission can lead to severe consequences, such as strict warnings, prohibition of part-time employment, cancellation of student visa status, and forced eviction.
  • Internship activities in the specialized field (E-1~E-7) are permitted for D-2-7 international students.
  • ※ Maximum duration of 6 months during the academic period, no limitations during vacation periods.
  • During vacation periods, degree-seeking international students (D-2) except for research students (D-2-5) are allowed to engage in internship activities in external institutions and companies related to their specialized field (E-1~E-7).
  • Standard and mandatory field practicums that are recognized for academic credits are exempt from obtaining part-time employment permits.