조회수 : 876
작성일 | 2023.10.30 | 작성자 | 국제교육교류처 |
첨부파일 |
1. (JPN)_2024_Application_Guideline_for_Korea-Japan_Government_Scholarship(1year_Undergraduate_Program).pdf 2. 2024_Application_forms_for_Korea-Japan_Government Scholarship(1year_Undergraduate_Program).docx 3. Soonchunhyang_University_Information(1year_Undergraduate_Program).pdf 4. Soonchunhyang_University_Available_Field_of_Study(1year_Undergraduate_Program).xlsx |
Soonchunhayng University has been selected as https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/ko/scholarship/Gks1NoticeDetail.do
For those interested, please 1. 2024 Application Guideline for Korea-Japan 2. 2024 Application forms.docx 3. Soonchunhyang University Information.pdf 4. Soonchunhyang University Available Field
Here is the brief summary of the scholarship: 1. Scholarship Period: 1 year (2024.3.1. ~ 2. Scholarship Benefits: Roundtrip Airfares, 3. Eligibility a. Applicant and his/her b. Born c. Completed two d. Possess above 80% e. Those who have TOPIK 4. Application Deadline: November 19, 2023 a. All required b. Soonchunhyang c. ONE set of original
If there are more than 3 applicants,
Contact: John Kim, Office of - Email: astudies@sch.ac.kr - Office Phone Number: +82-41-530-1383 |