
일반 공지사항

2024 Application Guideline for Korea-Japan Government Scholarship for 1 Year Undergraduate Program

조회수 : 876

작성일 2023.10.30 작성자 국제교육교류처
첨부파일 1. (JPN)_2024_Application_Guideline_for_Korea-Japan_Government_Scholarship(1year_Undergraduate_Program).pdf
2. 2024_Application_forms_for_Korea-Japan_Government Scholarship(1year_Undergraduate_Program).docx
3. Soonchunhyang_University_Information(1year_Undergraduate_Program).pdf
4. Soonchunhyang_University_Available_Field_of_Study(1year_Undergraduate_Program).xlsx

Soonchunhayng University has been selected as
a designated university for 2024 Korea-Japan Government Scholarship for 1 Year
Undergraduate Program. As one of 22 designated universities, Soonchunhayng
University can nominate up to 3 Japanese students to NIIED (National Institute
for International Education) and NIIED will decide the final 25 successful
candidates. Please see NIIED’s web site for full information:



For those interested, please
refer to the attached 4 files:

1. 2024 Application Guideline for Korea-Japan
Government Scholarship (1year Undergraduate Program).pdf

2. 2024 Application forms.docx

3. Soonchunhyang University Information.pdf

4. Soonchunhyang University Available Field
of Study.xlsx 


Here is the brief summary of the scholarship:

1. Scholarship Period: 1 year (2024.3.1. ~

2. Scholarship Benefits: Roundtrip Airfares,
Settlement Allowance, Tuition Fees, Monthly Allowance, Medical Insurance, and
Scholarship Completion Grants

3. Eligibility

a. Applicant and his/her
parents must be Japanese.

b. Born
from March 2, 1994 to March 1, 2006.

c. Completed two
semesters or more at home institution.

d. Possess above 80%
(out of 100%) in a cumulative grade point average (C.G.P.A.) achieved at home

e. Those who have TOPIK
3 or higher will be preferred but not mandatory.

4. Application Deadline: November 19, 2023

a. All required
documents must FIRST be submitted as scanned files via email at astudies@sch.ac.kr 

b. Soonchunhyang
University will examine the scanned files to make sure all required documents
are included and then will ask applicant to send original copies.

c. ONE set of original
documents must be delivered to SCH by the due date.


If there are more than 3 applicants,
Soonchunhyang University will go through 1st round of selection based on
NIIED’s guideline. 


 Contact: John Kim, Office of
Global Education & Exchange

  - Email: astudies@sch.ac.kr

- Office Phone Number: +82-41-530-1383