
일반 공지사항

2022 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS-KGSP) for Graduate Degrees (University Track, R&D)

조회수 : 1,320

작성일 2022.02.16 작성자 국제교육교류처

2022 Global Korea Scholarship(GKS-KGSP) Application Guidelines for Graduate Degrees (University Track, R&D)


Global Korea Scholarship* is designed to provide international students with opportunities to study at higher educational institutions in Korea for academic degrees, which will enhance international education exchange and deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries.

* As Korean Government Scholarship Programs have been integrated and branded as Global Korea Scholarship in 2010, the name is changed to GKS (Global Korea Scholarship).


After rigorous evaluation process by NIIED, Soonchunhyang University once again has been selected as designated universities for University Track, R&D.​


For those interested, please visit Graduate School Global Support Team at https://gradu.sch.ac.kr/boards/view/sub03_04/10 


Contact: Jung Ju-Young/Park Ji-Won, Global Support team

- Email: juyoung1017@sch.ac.kr/wldnjs5712@sch.ac.kr

- Office Phone Number: +82-41-530-1180/1177​